Google Earth VR Custom Tour Generator

This tool allows you to create your own custom tours in Google Earth VR. It's just like the included tours (Cities, Landmarks, Colours etc.), but with your own set of locations.

Step 1: Preparation

First, save the destinations you want to include in Google Earth VR itself using the 'star' button on the globe controller. They will appear as .JPG files in your Username/Pictures/Google Earth VR folder.

Step 2: Select and order destinations

Attach the JPG's of the destinations you want to include below. You can select multiple files using ctrl or shift.

Once attached, you can change the order by clicking and dragging the relevant thumbnail.

Step 3: Tour settings

Next, choose how long to stay at each destination during the tour (in seconds):

Now choose what (approx) local hour of the day you want each destination to begin: and end at:

Finally, give this tour a name:

Step 4: Generate

Click below to generate the tour file. Save to SteamApps/Common/EarthVR/assets/content/tours/custom_tour_name/earthVR.textpb and you're good to go!

Limitations and notes:

If you save a destination that is too close to the ground, then you may appear underground when it appears during the tour. This is because I'm not sure how to pull the appropriate elevation data from the JPG metadata, and rely on data from the Google Maps Elevation API instead.

To include looping background audio, place an .ogg file named bgaudio1.ogg in the same folder as earthVR.textpb. This will play throughout the entire tour.

To include destination specific audio, place a DESTNAME.ogg file in the same folder as earthVR.textpb, where DESTNAME is the name of the corresponding .JPG. Eg: include Christchurch_Central.ogg to play audio when visiting Christchurch_Central.jpg.

You may experience a lack of audio when using filenames with non-standard characters. This may be an issue with both .ogg files and the tour's folder name itself. You may need to manually edit the tour file's audio_resource entries in order to fix this.

Due to AppEngine quotas, uploads are currently capped at 100 individual files per request. You will receive errors if you exceed this limit. To make longer tours consider self hosting.
